Robyn Adams Director of Collections Management | South Carolina State Museum
Robyn Adams Director of Collections Management | South Carolina State Museum
Coming December 26, 2024, the South Carolina State Museum will present "Coastal Predators: A 4-D Experience." This event showcases a remarkable natural phenomenon occurring along the South African coast. It features dolphins, sharks, whales, and seals as they gather to feed on sardines pushed into shallow waters.
The presentation captures the annual sardine run where these ocean predators set aside their natural instincts to partake in this collective feast. The absence of this event would significantly impact the lives of these animals. Viewers can expect an immersive experience with stunning visuals and high-energy action enhanced by 4-D effects.
Showtimes for "Coastal Predators: A 4-D Experience" will be announced on Monday, December 23. Visitors are encouraged to stay informed about exhibits, shows, and events at the museum by subscribing to its monthly e-newsletter.