Lindsey Graham - Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on the Judiciary | Official U.S. Senate headshot
Lindsey Graham - Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on the Judiciary | Official U.S. Senate headshot
On the third anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin introduced a bill to grant temporary guest status to Ukrainians already in the United States. The legislation, known as the Protecting our Guests During Hostilities in Ukraine Act, aims to provide protection for Ukrainians and their immediate family members who entered the U.S. through the "Uniting for Ukraine" parole process.
The bill proposes that these individuals be allowed to stay and work in the U.S. until it is deemed safe for them to return by the Secretary of State. Durbin emphasized the bipartisan support from Americans when hostilities began but noted that no Republicans have cosponsored this bill so far.
“Three years ago today, Putin began his brutal, criminal, full-scale invasion of Ukraine—which remains on the frontlines of democracy and transatlantic security,” said Durbin. “When the war started, Americans across the country opened their hearts and communities to Ukrainians fleeing Russian aggression. Both Republicans and Democrats petitioned President Biden to protect them from deportation."
Durbin called on Republican colleagues to join in supporting this measure: "While not a single Republican has cosponsored this bill, I urge them to join us to ensure Ukrainians legally present in the U.S. have temporary guest status until conditions in Ukraine are safe for return. Standing up to dictators and speaking out for victims of war should not be a partisan issue.”
The legislation includes provisions for rigorous vetting of individuals involved, ensuring they pose no safety risks while allowing revocation of status if new concerns arise.
The bill is backed by several organizations including Refugee Council USA; Chin Association of Maryland; HIAS; World Relief; Center for Gender & Refugee Studies; Human Rights First; Church World Service; International Refugee Assistance Project; Global Refuge; Boat People SOS; Center for Victims of Torture; Jesuit Refugee Service; and Veterans for American Ideals.