Russell T Infinger Board President of the South Carolina Bar - Greenville |
Russell T Infinger Board President of the South Carolina Bar - Greenville |
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period. Lawyers in good standing do not have any complaints or disciplinary actions being taken against them.
Despite the long history of the legal profession in South Carolina, the state has the nation's second-lowest lawyer-to-population ratio. There is currently only one lawyer for every 493 residents.
More than 1,000 ethics complaints have been made against South Carolina judges who handle the state's major cases in circuit court. However, there were no judges who were publicly censured.
As of June 2024, a South Carolina lawyer makes an average annual salary of $96,789 per year.
Lawyer Name | Name of Firm | Date of License Granted |
Austin Moses Sheheen | - | 11/14/2022 |
Adam Kirkpatrick Beaty | S.C. Supreme Court | 05/16/2022 |
John C. Rieber | Kershaw County Public Defender's Office | 10/19/2021 |
Herbert Clay Carruth | Kershaw County | 05/03/2021 |
Sarah Lucille Robinson | Fifth Circuit Public Defender | 04/20/2021 |
Christina M. Gatte | S.C. Attorney General's Office | 11/09/2020 |
Jessica Legrand Benson | Baxley, Wells & Benson | 11/19/2019 |
Arien Peyton Cannon | Cannon Law Group, P.C. | 02/19/2019 |
Ashley Noland Berry | Berry Law Office, Inc. | 11/27/2018 |
Scott M. Somerset | - | 09/27/2018 |
Jason Adden Stegner | The Stegner Law Firm, LLC | 11/13/2012 |
Benjamin J. Connell | The Connell Law Firm, LLC | 11/29/2010 |
William Charles Kinney | Mullikin Law Firm, LLC | 09/22/2010 |
Derek Alan Shoemake | Connell Law Firm, LLC | 11/16/2009 |
Jason D. Kirincich | Fifth Circuit Public Defender | 11/13/2007 |
Kathryn F. Free | Kathryn F. Free, Attorney at Law | 05/21/2007 |
Thomas H. Morgan | Smith Robinson Holler DuBose Morgan, LLC | 11/13/2006 |
Robert J. Butcher | The Camden Law Firm, PA | 05/22/2006 |
Deborah J. Butcher | The Camden Law Firm, PA | 11/14/2005 |
Gregory Brian Collins | Savage Royall & Sheheen | 11/14/2005 |
Samuel R. Small | First Palmetto Bank | 11/14/2005 |
John K. Dubose | Smith Robinson Holler DuBose Morgan, LLC | 11/15/2004 |
Kris Hines | Fifth Circuit Public Defender | 11/15/2004 |
David J. Miller | David J. Miller Law Law Firm, LLC | 11/17/2003 |
David Paul Reuwer | David Paul Reuwer, LLC | 11/18/2002 |
Zack Owen Atkinson | Speedy, Tanner & Atkinson, LLC | 11/18/2002 |
Laurie Slade Funderburk | Laurie Slade Funderburk, PC | 11/13/2001 |
Donna M. Green | Fifth Circuit Solicitor's Office | 01/09/2001 |
Curtis Anthony Pauling | Fifth Circuit Solicitor's Office | 11/13/2000 |
Stephen R. Smoak | Savage Royall & Sheheen | 11/13/2000 |
Vincent Austin Sheheen | Savage Royall & Sheheen | 11/18/1996 |
Anne Simmons Conder | - | 11/13/1995 |
Brett Allen Perry | Perry Law Firm | 11/21/1994 |
Christa Tidwell Bell | Sumter County | 05/03/1994 |
Michael Scott Rankin | S.C. Family Court | 11/15/1993 |
Reginald I. Lloyd | Lloyd Law Firm, LLC | 11/15/1993 |
William Brantly Cox | Savage Royall & Sheheen | 11/15/1993 |
David L. Graham | - | 11/16/1990 |
Joseph N. Connell | The Connell Law Firm, LLC | 11/16/1988 |
Patricia Geddings | AgFirst Farm Credit Bank | 11/16/1988 |
Virginia Ann Mullikin | Mullikin Law Firm, LLC | 11/23/1987 |
Thomas Stowe Mullikin | Mullikin Law Firm, LLC | 11/14/1986 |
Douglas A. Barfield | Longleaf Legal, LLC | 11/15/1984 |
Dana A. Morris | S.C. Family Court | 11/16/1983 |
Janet T. Butcher | Janet Butcher,LLC | 11/05/1982 |
Dennis N. Cannon | Cannon Law Group, LLC | 11/08/1978 |
George W. Speedy | Speedy, Tanner & Atkinson, LLC | 11/01/1975 |
Kennedy J. Dubose | Smith Robinson Holler DuBose Morgan, LLC | 05/15/1974 |
Craig K. Davis | - | 11/03/1973 |
Moultrie B. Burns | Savage Royall & Sheheen | 10/01/1972 |
Robert J. Sheheen | Savage Royall & Sheheen | 10/03/1968 |